Special Announcement

It has come to the attention of The Alumni Association of St. Paul‘s Convent School (“AASPCS”) that a banner has been placed outside the entrance of St. Paul’s Convent School (the “School”) on 18 June 2020 with permission from WC/DC/B07 in the name of a group known as 聖保祿政治關注組(“the Group”).

Members of AASPCS should note that the School has issued an announcement on its website stating that the Group is not in any way related to the School and the Group do not represent the views of all Paulinians.

AASPCS wishes to further clarify that the Group is not associated with, or related to, AASPCS and that the Group and any views expressed by the Group do not represent the views of AASPCS.

The Alumni Association of St. Paul’s Convent School